Learn and strengthen facilitation skills, master subject matter content,
and gain tools for engaging others in challenging conversations.

Managers, leaders and staff with training experience who are interested in facilitating REIB workshops
within their county are invited to register for the Train the Trainer workshops.

Train-the-Trainer Workshop Offerings

Connecting Identity to Social Services

3 days | In-person & virtual options available

Participate in a 3-day train-the-trainer (TTT), an immersive skill-building program which provides tools, strategies and resources to effectively facilitate the 3-hour “REIB Connecting Identity to Social Services” curriculum. The TTT includes workshop objectives, learning outcomes, and best practices to navigate challenging conversations.

During the train-the-trainer, participants will have the opportunity to:

  • Explore individual social identity and how it influences working with program participants
  • Practice interrupting bias using the ACT (acknowledge, choose, transform) Framework
  • Apply learning to shift program culture and climate
  • Navigate challenging questions and conversations to foster empathy and understanding





Feb. 18, 19, 20

Virtual | Statewide


April 8, 9, 10

In-person | Sacramento County


April 22, 23, 24

In-person | Orange County


May 13, 14, 15

In-person | Sacramento County


June 16, 17, 18

In-person | Orange County


Train-the-Trainer Agenda

The training will be held over 3 consecutive days from 9:00am-5:00pm with a 1-hour break.

Day 1

  • Experience the Connecting Identity to Social Services workshop content
  • Participate in the workshop and unpack reflections for understanding, goals, and desired outcomes

Day 2

  • Understand the facilitation approach, the value of self work, reflection, and facilitation tips and tools
  • Dig deeper into content knowledge 
  • Build an understanding of concepts and skills 

Day 3

  • Content facilitation
  • Collaborate with partners to try on and adapt facilitation approaches
  • Practice!

Microaggressions & Bias

2 days | In-person & virtual options available

Participate in a 2-day train-the-trainer (TTT) that will provide the tools and resources to lead BOTH the "Microaggressions: Understanding Intent & Impact to Create Inclusion" and "Bias Through the Lens of Dominant and Counter Narratives" workshops.

This interactive train-the-trainer program will provide facilitation strategies and tools to practice how to:

  • Define key terms and concepts that underpin the experiences of microaggression and bias
  • Distinguish between intent and impact
  • Mitigate microaggressions and biases using tangible disruption frameworks
  • Commit to actionable next steps to mitigate bias and microaggressions






March 4, 5

In-person | Kern County


March 25, 26

Virtual | Statewide


April 29, 30

In-person | Sacramento County


May 21, 22

Virtual | Statewide


May 27, 28

In-person | Sacramento County


Train-the-Trainer Agenda

The training will be held over 2 consecutive days from 9:00am-5:00pm with a 1 hour break.

Day 1

  • Experience the Bias: Through the Lens of Dominant and Counter Narratives workshop content
  • Participate in the workshop and unpack reflections for understanding, goals, and desired outcomes
  • Dig deeper into content knowledge
  • Engage in self reflection around the learning content facilitation
  • Collaborate with others in facilitation practice

Day 2

  • Experience the Microaggressions: Understanding Intent and Impact to Create Inclusion workshop content
  • Participate in the workshop and unpack reflections for understanding, goals, and desired outcomes
  • Dig deeper into content knowledge
  • Build an understanding of facilitation approaches and skills
  • Collaborate with others in facilitation practice
  • Gain practical facilitation tips and tools

Additional Details

Breaks & Meals:
Breaks will be provided throughout the day, including 1 hour for lunch on your own.
While meals will not be provided, light refreshments will be available on site.

Participants are expected to bring the following materials to the training:

  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Lunch: a 1 hour break will be provided. Please prepare for full day workshops.

Travel & Lodging:
Travel and lodging are not covered by the REIB Statewide Initiative.