Full Name
Diane Jenkins
Job Title
Associate Governmental Program Analyst
Program (select all that apply)
California Department of Social Services
Speaker Bio
Diane Jenkins (she/her) is an Associate Governmental Program Analyst, a Continuous Quality Improvement Specialist with Cal-OAR Program Innovation within the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) in the CalWORKs and Family Resilience Branch within the FEED. She is responsible for providing program oversight and technical assistance efforts to county welfare departments regarding the implementation of the Cal-OAR data-driven management system. She has been in state service for five years, with CDSS being her first state job. Prior to joining CDSS, she worked as an independent contractor for a rehabilitation recovery trauma treatment center, treating clients with health and physical movement conditions, following her work in the private technology sector for a large corporate office, where she was a Senior Administrative Assistant for 15 years, providing operational and developmental support to multiple departments. Diane is a member of the Department’s Cal-OAR Data Equity Collaborative Workgroup and serves as a proud and active member of the Disability Advisory Committee (DAC) within the department. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Sociology from California State University, Sacramento.
Diane Jenkins