Full Name
Marjorie Stamper-Kurn, MEd, MBA
Job Title
Senior Consultant
Program (select all that apply)
The Justice Collective
Speaker Bio
Marjorie Stamper-Kurn (she/her) is an organizational development professional with a long-term focus on equity, diversity, and inclusion. She is a systems thinker with a commitment to social justice, Marjorie works across sectors to create strong and equitable organizations and communities. To client engagements, she brings an organizational development tool kit with a particular focus on developing values-based programs, practices, and policies. Prior to consulting with TJC, Marjorie delivered social emotional learning and diversity and inclusion programming to classrooms and school communities in the San Francisco Bay Area. As an internal consultant, she led the organizational culture and diversity functions of Sapient Corporation and designed a mentoring program and coordinated other efforts to increase retention and promotion of early career scientists of color and female engineers for Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. To her delight, each organization, like each individual, with whom she has worked has been unique and has demonstrated the potential for meaningful progress.

Marjorie earned her B.A. in Ethnic Studies from U.C. Berkeley, her M.Ed. specializing in multicultural education from Harvard’s Graduate School of Education and her M.B.A. with a focus on organizational development and gender in organizations from Simmons School of Management. Marjorie is an active community member and Bay Area volunteer. She loves to travel the world and is just as happy when she gets leisure time with family and friends in Oakland.
Marjorie Stamper-Kurn, MEd, MBA